is a live performance series celebrating the vulnerability + community necessary to present harsh, experimental work. HH is for the heads who both support + challenge one another. It platforms LGBTQ+, BIPOC, disabled/immunocompromised, and other marginalized artists who are take risks in performance; but are also genuine, intentional, sweet people. Noise music can be heavy but emotional + loving! <3


September 2025 – The Netherlands (Utrecht, The Hague, Amsterdam, Rotterdam)
medium. Tour TBA!

2/22/25 – Trans-Pecos (Ridgewood, NY)
Centennial Gardens (Dreamcrusher + KING VISION ULTRA) / Fatboi Sharif / medium. / BAKUDI SCREAM

11/8/24 – CuteLab (Brooklyn)
ATLAS B COMPLEX / gushes / medium. / Club Ecology